Friday, November 18, 2011

Holiday DIY Gift Catalog - Link Party

With Thanksgiving almost behind us and Christmas right around the corner, I'm a little panicked.  I've never been the kind of person to start shopping in July and you'll never catch me out on Black Friday fighting the crowds for all of the "great deals" (Tickle Me Elmo caused quite the riot if I remember correctly).

This year will be a mix of store bought and handmade gifts so I need to jump into gear.   Anyone else freaking out??  I'm compiling a DIY gift "catalog" if you will....  Please inspire us {ME} !!

Holiday Link Party Rules:

  • Link to the specific post for something YOU have created - DIY Gifts (not to your main blog page). 
  • Grab the Design DNA button to add to your blog page.
  • Be sure to visit other posts and leave them a comment! 
  • Let me know if you've featured me, and I'll let you know if I've featured you ;) 
  • This party will stay open through December 15th.
  • No limit - post away.  Just remember only DIY Gift ideas will be accepted.