Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Wasted Space - What Are You?!

I mean really, the most useless area of space in my house.  It is my understanding that this hole of dusty cobwebs is to house plants.  Seems like a lot of work to clime on a latter and water plants every day...  

Living in the desert makes it hard to keep up on the dusting so that is another dilemma on what should fill the space.  So, here are my first 2 attempts at filling the gap.

Attempt # 1

Lots of artificial ivy and flowers from Hobby Lobby (dust collectors)....

 ....fake grapes, olive oil, wine bottles and wicker boxes

Not an entirely terrible look but it is very taste specific.  I quickly learned it wasn't much my taste.

Attempt # 2 

This time around I wanted to be more practical.  With that being said I cleaned out the lot of cook books I was hoarding inside my tiny pantry.  Most of them were put in the thrift store pile - I had cookbooks from the 70s about how to cook meat in the microwave (I wasn't even born in the 70s, not sure how I acquired them).

The cookbooks that made the cut found a new stomping ground (still dust covered but not losing the theme of practicality).  

I continue to clime chairs to access them but their colors are more my style then the traditional Tuscan feel of the grapes and wine bottles (more my sister's taste).  

I stacked the books in groups of threes - some laying flat while others stood on end (gave it more visual interest I thought)

I'm not in love with attempt two and will be trying an attempt three in the near future (any suggestions??)


  1. I have the same ledge that you have in my kitchen. I found that the best thing to do was to set up a vignette of things that I like, but really don't need to get to all that often. Mine consists of a couple of interesting birdhouses, a silk ivy, a framed quote on an easel and a large white stoneware pitcher that I only use twice a year. They're not all spread out, but tucked into one corner of the ledge. It looks neat and tidy. The remainder or the ledge is empty.
    Just like a wall, you need to group things together in such a way that they aren't cluttered looking. Take a look on pinterest.com, and get some ideas. Thanks for the blog post idea.

  2. Haha, just came across your blog and started scrolling down to see this, you have the exact same house as me, I can tell, you don't live in the Cheatham Farms subdivision do you ? lol. I have a bunch of old plaid Thermoses on mine, which I got from Goodwill over the last 10 years :) There's a gap in the middle cuz I sold one thing on EBay and yet I was too lazy to move the ladder to rearrange the rest :/

  3. I was actually just thinking about this the other day. I don't like the plants and ivy look either, it's definitely not my style, plus I like things to look as clean and streamlined as possible. So I'm thinking of putting a bunch of pretty boxes and/or baskets up there and using them for misc storage. :)
